Weight Management

If you are overweight and are struggling to get your weight down, then please speak to one of our doctors. We currently have limited spaces on a computer assisted weight loss programme. This will require regular attendances at our surgery to have an in depth consultation with our health care assistant. Together you will examine your calorie intake and energy output with the aim of achieving sustained weight loss.

Discounted Gym Membership

Currently, Bushey Grove Leisure Centre are offering certain discounts if you are referred by one of our clinicians to their gym. This only applies to certain medical conditions and you would need to speak to your doctor or nurse about this.

What is a Realistic Weight Goal?

If you have always been overweight, a realistic goal is to lose 5 to 10% of your current weight in around 6 months, and to keep it off for 2 or more years.

How can I Lose Weight?

The hardest part about losing weight is you have to stop dieting. Dieting means a temporary change in behaviour. You make the change, lose the weight, then stop the change and put the weight back on. If you want to lose weight you have to make changes that you can stick with almost all the time for the rest of your life.

If you are overweight, losing 5- 10% of your current weight can help improve your health in many ways.

  • Lowering high blood pressure.
  • Lowering blood sugar for people with diabetes.
  • Lowering ‘bad’ cholesterol (LDL).
  • Raising ‘good’ cholesterol (HDL).
  • Reducing lower back and joint pain.
  • Improving breathing ability

Family Tendency

Inherited behaviours: as children. An example is ‘eat everything on your plate’. Because as children we want to please our parents (or get pudding), we learned to eat everything on our plate, hungry or not. Now, as adults, we carry on that habit without thinking about it.

Genetics: if your parents are overweight, you do not have to be overweight, but you do have more chance of being overweight than someone with slim parents. Very few people have genetic diseases that make them overweight.

Try these interactive tools, tips and articles to discover more about a healthy diet and healthy weight. Find out what steps you can take to achieve your goals visit NHS.

  • BDA Weightwise – This site offers practical solutions for losing weight.
  • Teenweightwise – This site offers advice on healthy eating for teenagers.
  • Diet during pregnancy from Food Standards Agency website Eatwell – advice on what foods to eat, what to avoid, advice on supplements.

Additional Information

Have a look at this weight management tool to see how you measure up.