If you have COPD and require regular inhalers then you should have a review of your medication at least once a year. Our nurses are trained in COPD management and will be able to review your requirements.
Most patients with COPD are also asked to have an annual check of their lungs using a machine called a spirometer. This involves blowing into a computer, with a nurse supervising you. This machine can then calculate how well your lungs are functioning. The results of this test provide information that helps your doctor review your medication. If you need a review, please advise a receptionist that you want to see a nurse for a COPD check and they will make you an appointment. If you have COPD, you may also receive a request to make an appointment with a nurse for a review. This will either come attached to your repeat medication or as a letter or text message from the surgery.
Please respond to these requests by making an appointment with a nurse as it is important to optimise your COPD management.
Additional Information
For more information on COPD please see NHS.